Shortcodes will help you create a professional looking website in no time. All shortcodes can be inserted into your web content directly from WordPress WYSIWYG editor using our custom built AIT Buttons. Shortcodes can be used anywhere in pages, posts and also in widgets. That means you can put professionally looking content into your sidebar, inside or outside footer as well.

Common Useful Shortcodes
To create or combine all of the shortcodes you may need this universal types of shortcodes. It’s recommanded to wrap complicated shortcodes to .. shortcode to disable WP autoformatting.
[lang=en] .. content .. [/lang]
Content will be displayed in English language version only.
This shortcode can be useful for the widget's titles or other textareas, too.
[raw] .. content .. [/raw] // Disables WP autoformatting
[rule] // Classic horizontal rule
[rule_top] // Horizontal rule with TOP button